By prophecynews
Russia’s New Satan 2 Mega-Nuke Described With Chilling Accuracy in Isaiah Prophecy
As tensions rise between Russia and the United States and Cold War fears return, Russia revealed a terrifying new addition to its nuclear arsenal, aptly dubbed Satan 2. Verses in the Book of Isaiah describing in detail what can only be nuclear destruction are suddenly relevant as never before as the hell weapon’s capabilities come […]
By prophecynews
What’s the Deal With the After-School Satan Club Movement?
The Satanic Temple, a religious group based in Salem, Mass., has been working this school year to establish Satan Clubs in various elementary schools across the country. Article by Marva Hinton The Satanic Temple hasn’t actually established any such after-school clubs yet. But just hearing that such a club has been proposed has been enough […]
By prophecynews
After School Satan Club Will Start an Elementary School Chapter in East Portland
It follows the opening of a controversial Christian after-school program called Good News Club. Article by Julia Comnes Opponents of an evangelical Christian children’s club in East Portland’s public schools have filed a request to start an After School Satan Club at Sacramento Elementary. In a facility-use request filed with the Parkrose School District on […]
By Greg White
The Vatican’s class on handling demons is alive and well: are exorcisms around the world on the rise?
Demonic possessions are often chocked up to the world of mythology, but in recent years, the number of exorcisms performed has been on the rise. So much so that the Catholic Church in Rome is now offering a week-long course on how to perform exorcisms, expounding on the nature of angels and demons. The course, […]
By Greg White
Satanic churches and symbolism increasingly pervade America as nation heads for total collapse
The world seems to be spiraling into chaos in the wake of the ISIS terror attacks in Paris. In addition, the moral and spiritual equivalent of a black hole is slammed in the heartland of America, as Satanic churches and symbolism blanket the country. It’s as if society is teetering on the brink of collapse. […]
By Chris Draper
Pope Francis warns about the end of world in wake of Paris attacks
During his Angelus message last Sunday, Pope Francis encouraged thousands of pilgrims in Saint Peter’s Square to have a hard look at death, life, meeting God and Judgment Day. The Pope took the opportunity to address the recent attacks in Paris, expressing his “deep sorrow for the terrorist attacks that bloodied France late on Friday, […]
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