News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus
Two days ago, Alex Jones called me, “The Oracle” on his show and the name sort of stuck. It turns out that when you run good mathematical projection models, you really can sort of “see the future” to the astonishment of many. In truth, I’m just running the numbers and reporting what the math tells […]
By Mike Adams
Congratulations! If you followed the Health Ranger, you just avoided losing 25% of your assets or being caught unprepared by the coronavirus pandemic
A great big thank you to all our listeners and supporters: Our reporting just saved our followers tens of millions of dollars by avoiding the current stock market crash, which has already plunged 25% from its highs. Even more, our followers have been increasingly prepared with backup supplies of food, emergency medicine, water filters and […]
By Mike Adams
Here’s how Trump can end the coronavirus epidemic in just 30 days… (Hint: You won’t like it, and our republic may not survive)
Over the last few weeks, people have been repeatedly asking me for solutions to the coronavirus. Be careful what you ask for. Yes, there’s a solution to end the coronavirus in the USA in just 30 days. You won’t like it. It involves President Trump declaring a national emergency and announcing a 30-day “shelter in […]
By Mike Adams
Warning for humanity: Globalists accelerating depopulation eugenics programs in response to populist uprisings in the UK, USA and around the world
In response to the sweeping victory of Boris Johnson in the recent UK elections — as well as rising popular support for President Trump in the United States — globalists are now accelerating their war against humanity that’s being waged through depopulation vectors involving vaccines, chemical contaminants, engineered food shortages and other means. This doubling […]
By Mike Adams
Is this the LAST Black Friday before America erupts into political and spiritual chaos?
One year from now the 2020 election will have already been decided. Consider that carefully. If Trump wins re-election, the Left goes insane with a whole new round of accusations that the Russians (or the Ukranians or maybe even the lost Atlantians) stole the election. They will set their own cities on fire and march […]
By Mike Adams
25 mind-blowing things that are likely to happen if the Dems succeed in removing Trump from office
A coordinated, deep state attempt to remove Trump from office at any cost is now gaining steam. With the collusion of the deep state media, CIA operatives and anti-Trump tech giants that censor all truth, the deep state is hoping to crush democracy, destroy Trump and install Hillary Clinton as President of the United States […]
By Mike Adams
New site “” to reveal accelerated globalist agenda for annihilation of the human race
The annihilation of the human race has already begun. Massive depopulation vectors have been unleashed, encompassing abortion (infanticide), the chemical poisoning of the food supply, widespread infertility caused by HPV vaccines, the censorship of all truth about science and medicine, the mass fluoridation of the public water supply, 5G electromagnetic assaults on human neurology and […]
By Mike Adams
Here’s what happens when you tell the truth in America
If you’re ever wondered what happens to you when you tell the truth in America, I’ve posted a podcast that details the stunning sequence of attacks that will target you to silence your words. It doesn’t matter whether you’re telling the truth about vaccines, Big Pharma, the Federal Reserve, the military industrial complex, the filthy […]
By Mike Adams
Left-wing media run by actual demon-possessed anti-human EVIL entities… watch this stunning mini-documentary
If you’re wondering why the left-wing media is infused with absolute evil, a seething, anti-human hatred of life, truth, healthy babies and human liberty, the answer is far larger than what you might have supposed. An increasing number of so-called “journalists” working for the anti-human media are actually demon-possessed entities working to destroy human life, […]
By Mike Adams
CONVERGENCE: The inescapable explanation that connects all world events unfolding now… can you handle the cosmic truth?
Taken one at a time, the events unfolding across our world seem unconnected, insane or random. However, there is an overarching pattern to everything you’re witnessing and experiencing. That pattern exists because there is intention to deploy world events, cultural trends, economic control and political obedience to achieve a desired aim. If I tell you […]
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