Security Camera Captures Strange Childlike Figure Running Around In The Street

Last week we discovered what you all think of the spiritual realms when we posted this stunning photo of a motorcycle accident.

(Article by Michelle LaFiura)


[Saul Vazquez]

The story can be found here, one that tells of a truck driver named Saul who caught the strange photo. If you look closely, you can make out what may or may not be a ‘soul’ hovering over the image. After we posted this photo to our Facebook page, hundreds of our readers responded by telling us they believe it really was a soul stopping by for one last look at life before floating into the next plane. So many of you revealed your spiritual side to us and we’re grateful for the feedback.

Again, we’re asking for your spiritual insight as we debate the following video.

The video came to us thanks to Rumble, where a user by the name of Ian Hawke questions what this could possibly be. He says a security camera captured what looks like a child running around in the street.


[Ian Hawke]

Of course, it isn’t simply a child in the street. It’s a ghostly child with a transparent look, fading in and out of view of the camera as he or she frolicks in the dim lighting.

Perhaps the following video will clarify things for you and help you see it better.

So is this real or is it just a ghostly trick of light? Tell us your thoughts in the comments and don’t forget to please SHARE with a skeptic of the supernatural who may have something to say about this.

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