Predict the future using animals and birds!

It is commonly believed that animals, with their extrasensory abilities, possess the gift of clairvoyance. Therefore, humans throughout history have closely observed the actions of animals and noted the connections between their behavior and what comes to pass.

Such observations, which are accumulated over time as folklore, were included in a section of the Witches Dream Book and Fortune Teller, which was a very popular book in Europe and America in the late 1880s. What follows is an excerpt from that book. You might try testing some of these for yourself, and seeing if you can use them to predict the future!

How animals predict the future

If, in taking a walk, you should see a single magpie, it is a bad omen, especially if it should fly past you to the left hand; but, if it should pass you to the right hand, the good will counterbalance the bad.

Should you see two magpies together, expect to hear of something to your advantage — a proposal of marriage, if single; or a legacy of money bequeathed to you. Should the magpies fly past you together, to your right hand, your own marriage, or the marriage of some one nearly related to you, will occur in a short time. The seeing of several magpies together is considered a very fortunate omen.

When seabirds are observed nocking toward the shore, storms and tempests may be confidently expected.

When in the early autumn season the migratory birds are seen flocking together and taking their departure, it is a certain sign that rough and boisterous weather is approaching and that a severe winter may be anticipated.

When the doves around a dovecote make more than ordinary cooing, and frequently pass in and out of their cote, it is a sign that a change of weather is near.

When the robin approaches your habitation, it is a sign that wintry weather will shortly prevail.

In summertime, when the swallows fly near to the ground, rainy weather will assuredly soon follow.

The shrill crowing of a rooster during rainy weather, is a sign that drought will speedily prevail.

When, in summertime, you see the cattle grazing in a field gathering together in groups, be assured that a thunderstorm is approaching.

When you see the fowls in a farmyard flocking together under some cover, be assured that ungenial weather is about to happen.

When the crows, in flying over your head, make an extraordinary and discordant cawing, rain will come on shortly.

In rainy weather, when you hear the chirping of the sparrows on the housetop more shrill than usual, it is a sign that clear and dry weather will quickly occur.


Noe, A. H. (1885). The Witches Dream Book and Fortune Teller.

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