09/22/2015 / By prophecynews
In a move that can only be explained as outlandishly ironic, Saudi Arabia, a country which routinely hangs dissidents, beheads foreign nationals, requires women to cover their faces in public and treats their working class like literal slaves, has been appointed by the United Nations (UN) to head their panel on human rights. If the UN wasn’t already the laughing stock of the public, they will surely seal their fate by appointing arguably one of the most draconian countries in the world to head a panel which was essentially indirectly formed to deal with the very tyranny their country employs.
The Bible tells us that in end times, bad will be heralded as good, and good heralded as bad. Could there be a better example of this mind-boggling concept? While the appointment of a country over an international panel is often only ceremonial in nature, one must wonder what the intended message of the UN was by appointing a country which would have been at the very bottom of the list for even the apolitical.
Tagged Under: beheadings, Collapse, executions, human rights, hypocrisy, Saudi Arabia, slavery, United Nations