Lazy, spoiled, craven millennials claim the Christian cross is hate speech and other ridiculousness

The safest thing to say about a safe space is that they’ve gone too far. Today’s college students want safe-spaces, gun-free zones, and to be coddled in every way. As a result, we’re producing a generation of weak, adult-age children who cannot think or do anything for themselves.

Article by David Drudge

 That’s right, the image of a cross on a poster was labeled as an “hate incident.”The Campus Crusade for Christ was labeled as a hate group because of its support of traditional Christian values.

Another report criticized a student who wrote a blog about his experience of being white. The author lived off campus, but close to the school and this allegedly made people uncomfortable.

Some 56 of the reports dealt were classified as “statements.” Basically, somebody made an off-color remark that was unappreciated. Except instead of recognizing the fact the speaker may be a bigot unworthy of attention, someone else felt the need to play the role of oppressed victim and file a formal complaint. Because, you know, words.

This is what happens when people are lazy and unproductive. Instead of worrying about their studies, serving their country, working a job, or doing something productive with their time, some millennials are complaining about hate speech, petitioning for safe spaces, and gun free zones. They’re peaceniks who think we need to welcome all the Muslims in, and that terrorism isn’t a threat. They want $15 an hour for a job a machine will soon do. And they want free college so they can keep on doing nothing.This craven, depraved spirit comes from the rise of divorce, atheism, the decline of hard work and ethics, and the removal of God from our national conscience. Kids play online instead of doing real chores. They learn no skills. They are not taught to earn their nice, expensive toys. It’s not “let me work to earn money to buy a bike,” it’s just “give me a bike.”

Nobody condones hate speech. Where speech incites violence or chaos, the speaker should definitely be taken to account. However, not every remark deserves a response. The world is a cruel and hostile place. It’s savage. How can we be confident in handing the reigns of management and political power to a generation of people who become apoplectic over words.Since when did mention of God, or our national motto: In God We Trust become akin to words like “nigger” or “faggot?” Two of those statements are not like the other and although offensive, there are more important things to be offended about. Like abortion, and cheating spouses, political corruption, and terrorism.

Want to create safe spaces? Let’s start with a mother’s womb.

What kind of nation will we live in where the display of a cross is considered some kind of hate speech?

Millennials are hardly tolerant. Sure, you can be gay and sexually depraved. You can kill your unborn children. You can ask for sharia law in America (extreme mental gymnastics!), they’ll tolerate that. But don’t attempt to live by your parent’s or grandparent’s values. You should be ashamed to own a firearm. Don’t suggest people work a little harder for a raise. Give them their safe space, their gun free zone, and their abortion and condoms on demand and for free.

The millennials are right about one thing. It’s not the terrorists who are the greatest threat to our nation; it’s them.

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